2nd Art & Science exhibition: "The Art of Biodiversity"

On November 19th 2018, for the 100th anniversary of the Nencki Institute, the opening of the 2nd Art & Science: ‘The Art of Biodiversity‘ exhibition took place in the Exhibition Hall of the Neurobiology Centre of the Nencki Institute. It is the second edition of the Art & Science project, initiating the interaction of molecular biologists and artists. Presented works were created during the artistic symposium and workshops held in Boska Dolina, near Rzeszów, from September 30th to October 5th 2018.


The vernissage was opened by Hanna Fabczak, the president of the Board of the Marcel Nencki Foundation for the Support of Biological Sciences, who welcomed and thanked prof. Antoni Nikiel, the dean and prof. Marek Olszyński, the vice-dean of the Faculty of Arts and the Institute of Philosophy of the Rzeszów University, along with prof. Jan Ferenc, the director of the Artistic Institute of the Art Department of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, prof. Agnieszka Dobrzyń, the director of the Nencki Institute, and prof. Adam Szewczyk from the Nencki Institute, the originator and initiator of the project. Also, all those who were involved in the organisation and implementation of the exhibition. During the ceremony, prof. Antoni Nikiel and prof. Marek Olszyński were appointed to the Artistic Council of the Nencki Art Collection.


The exhibition presented at the vernissage consisted of 50 pieces of work by employees, students and graduates of the Academy of Art in Szczecin, the University of Arts in Poznań, the Faculty of Art of the Rzeszów University, the Fine Arts Department of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, the Faculty of Arts of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, and the Faculty of Arts of the K. Pulaski Technical and Humanities University in Radom.


The exhibition can be visited until December 19th, 2018,