500th item from Nencki Institute Library collection enters the digital Repository of Scientific Institutes

Waga’s work includes descriptions of 1061 species of plants growing within the territory of the so-called Congress Poland. For subsequent decades his work remained fundamental in the field. Even today it is used by botanists conducting comparative studies and analyses investigating the changes w territorial presence of individual plant species.

The digital collection of the Nencki Library consists currently of 130 books and 366 magazines. Among them are full text versions of journals published by the Institute during the 95 years of its existence, such as:
- Acta Biologiae Experimentalis
- Acta Protozoologica
- Sprawozdania Stacji Hydrobiologicznej on Wigry Lake
- Archiwum Hydrobiologji i Rybactwa
and some of the most valuable items from the Institute Library collection, such as:
- Zoologiia czyli zwiérzętopismo ogólne: podług náynowszego systematu ułożone. Paweł Felix Jarocki, Warsaw 1821
- Botanika szczególna. Rafał Czerwiakowski, Cracow 1849-1852
- Historya obyczajów i zmyślności zwierząt, z podziałami metodycznemi i naturalnemi wszystkich ich gromad : kurs czytany w Ateneum królewskiem Paryzkiem. Virey J.J. Warsaw 1844,
as well as publications about the Institute, such as Nencki monograph authored by Prof. Leszek Kuźnicki, which since its publication in 2008 constitutes the main source of information about the Institute.
Digitalization of books written by Nencki employees has also already started. Available on the Digital Repository’s web page are books by Prof. Bogusław Żernicki (such as Czuwający mózg izolowany, Od neuronu do psychiki, Mechanizmy działania mózgu), Prof. Leszek Kuźnicki (Protozoologia w Polsce 1861-2001, Zasady nauki o ewolucji t. 1-2, Autobiografia: W kręgu nauki), Prof. Jerzy Konorski (Podstawy fizjologicznej teorii ruchów nabytych. Ruchowe odruchy warunkowe). Digital publications planned for the near future include books and other works by Prof. Elżbieta Fonberg, Prof. Jerzy A. Chmurzyński and Prof. Kazimierz Białaszewicz.

Visit the Digital Repository at http://rcin.org.pl