Annual Celebration of the Polish Biochemical Society Awards
On October 27th, 2017, in the Hall of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology Neurobiology Center an annual celebration of the Polish Biochemical Society awards was held. Three prizes were awarded:
The Jan Karol Parnas award, for Best Original Work in Biochemistry and Related Sciences, published in 2016 and made entirely in Polish a laboratory, received prof. Przemysław Juszczyński from Hematology Institute in Warsaw and his coauthors. The awarded paper FOXO1 activation is an effector of SYK and AKT inhibition in tonic BCR signal-dependent diffuse large B-cell lymphomas was published in Blood 2016 127(6):739-48. The award is funded by prof. Piotra Chomczyński. Prof. Przemysław Juszczyński presented the Parnas lecture entitled (in polish) Rola FOXO1 w chłoniaku rozlanym z dużych komórek B: mechanizmy regulacji i racjonalne cele terapeutyczne. The award was presented by the President of Polish Biochemical Society, prof. Andrzej Legocki and a member of the evaluation committee, prof. Andrzej Dżugaj.
The Bolesław Skarżyński award, for the Best Work for the quarterly "Advances in Biochemistry" published in 2016, was awarded to dr Robert Jarzyna and his coauthor Anna Michalik, both from Warsaw University, for the paper entitled (in Polish) Kluczowa rola kinazy białkowej aktywowanej przez AMP (AMPK) w procesach starzenia. The award was presented by President of the Polish Biochemical Society, prof. Andrzej Legocki and Chair of the Evaluation Committee, dr. Joanna Bandorowicz-Pikuła.
The Witold Drabikowski award, for the Best PhD thesis in biochemistry in year 2016, was awarded to dr. Radosław Kaczmarek from Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy in Wrocławiu, for thesis entitled (in Polish) Badanie przyczyn zmian swoistości ludzkiej a1 ,4-galaktozylotransferazy (syntazy Gb3/CD77). The award was presented by the President of the Polish Biochemical Society, prof. Andrzej Legocki and Chair of the Evaluation Committee, prof. Wiesława Jarmuszkiewicz.
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