EMBO Workshop on Research Integrity at the Nencki Institute
On May 23rd and 24th 2019, an EMBO workshop on research integrity was held at the Nencki Institute, conducted by the EMBO Science Policy Programme officers: Michele Garfinkel, Sandra Bendiscioli and Helen Sitar.
The workshop was attended by 32 scientific staff from the Institute, along with an invited representative of the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw. The following topics were discussed during the workshops: scientists' responsibilities, supervisors' responsibilities, research misconduct, data acquisition and management, scientific publications, conflicts of interest.
The EMBO Science Policy Programme, established in 2011, examines concerns emerging from advances in scientific research, with emphasis on life sciences in Europe. The Programme is focused on the governance of new technologies for advancing science, and the implications of the use of these new technologies for the public. The major areas of interest include: biotechnology and genomic technologies; research integrity; and scientific publishing with respect to open access, the usability of data underlying publications, and the reproducibility of the scientific literature.
The aim of the Programme is to provide informed analyses to policymakers and other policy leaders, research administrators, and scientists for use in their decision-making processes.
The Programme Officers conduct their work through policy research, including technology assessment. They engage EMBO Members, individuals and offices at the European level, and staff of other EMBO Programmes. They are also involved in a wide range of European and international projects.
The Science Policy programme also offers a limited number of lecture grants to scientific event organizers wishing to include a non-scientific lecture addressing the policy implications of science
and technology in their programme.
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- + EMBO Workshop on Research Integrity at the Nencki Institute
- + EMBO Workshop on Research Integrity at the Nencki Institute
- + EMBO Workshop on Research Integrity at the Nencki Institute
- + EMBO Workshop on Research Integrity at the Nencki Institute
- + EMBO Workshop on Research Integrity at the Nencki Institute
- + EMBO Workshop on Research Integrity at the Nencki Institute
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