European Patent for Prof. Ewa Sikora

On 31st January 2018, the European Patent Office granted a European patent, numbered 2 976 433, for the invention entitled "METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF BIOLOGICAL AGE IN HUMAN BEINGS". This patent is the result of discoveries made by an international consortium, which in 2008-2013, under the leadership of prof. Alexandra Burkle, implemented the European Union FP 7 project entitled "European Study to Establish Biomarkers of Human Ageing-Mark-Age".


The patent is owned by 20 research centers from 9 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Romania, Italy), Nestec SA from Switzerland and BioTeSys GmbH from Germany. From Poland, the owner is the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology. The invention has 29 authors, including prof. Ewa Sikora from the Laboratory of Molecular Basics of Aging at the Nencki Institute.


About 3,300 people were examined in the project, in which 300 parameters in the serum and morphological elements of blood and urine were analyzed. With the help of bioinformatic tools and statistics, a formula was developed to analyse indicated parameters determining biological age, which may be lower, higher or equal to chronological age. It is a diagnostic tool used in preventive medicine. It assists in identifying people who may be exposed earlier than others to age-related diseases.