Grant of Foundation for Polish Science for Paweł J. Mazurkiewicz
Paweł Jarosław Mazurkiewicz, M. Sc., a student of the Inter-faculty Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences at theUniversity of Warsaw (MISDoMP UW), carrying out an interdiciplinary Ph. D. thesis in the Laboratory of Ethology of the Department of Neurophysiology of the Nencki Institute (head prof. Ewa J. Godzińska) and in the Department of Animal Physiology of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw, became one of the 11 laureates of the 3rd edition of the competition of the Foundation for Polish Science organized as part of the programme SKILLS – eNgage. The main aim of the awarded project entitled „Awesome world of ants” is to raise interest in scientific research in young people (high school and undergraduate university students) via exploration of the secrets of ant biology and active participation in their experimental unraveling. The project involves, among others, the publication of a calendar „An ant for each day” and two editions of one week field myrmecological workshop taking place in the Nencki Institute Hydrobiological Station in Mikołajki.
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