Results of the Group Leader 2019 Competition
In December 2019, the final decision was made regarding an open competition for the position of head of the research laboratory - Group Leader 2019. The winners are: Prof. Mariusz Więckowski, Dr. Oleg Glebov, and Dr. Magdalena Masłoń.
Prof. Mariusz Więckowski is currently working in the Nencki Institute on mitochondrial metabolism.
Dr. Oleg Glebov carries out studies on synaptic plasticity and is currently working at the King’s College London and Qingdao University Medical School in China.
Dr. Magdalena Masłoń is currently working at the University of Edinburgh, where she investigates the regulation of gene expression during development at the RNA level.
The winners were selected through a 2-step recruitment procedure. In the first step, the recruitment committee, chaired by Prof. Maria Jolanta Rędowicz, selected 6 candidates from 24 applicants. The candidates were then asked to present their achievements and research plans at the Institute forum. They also had individual meetings with Institute’s group leaders selected by themselves as well as with the members of recruitment committee.
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