Reporting session of PhD students of the Department of Cell Biology of the Nencki Institute

On June 26-27th at the Hydrobiological Station in Mikolajki an annual reporting  session of PhD students of the Department of Cell Biology took place. The best were presentations of: Adrian Kobiela from the Laboratory of Synaptogenesis (1st year) on „Role of ArhGef5 in development of neuromuscular junction”, Martyna Poprzeczko from the Laboratory of Cytoskeleton and Cilia Biology (2nd year) on “CCDC147, a novel ciliary protein” and Katarzyna Rojek from the Laboratory of Synaptogenesis (4th year) on “Localization and function of Angiomotin family of proteins in the brain”. Katarzyna Rojek has also won the audience award. Presentations of those colleagues were characterized by high scientific level and interesting discussion. Congratulations.