Session of the Scientific Council at the Nencki Institute

Prof. Andrzej Wróbel - Chairman of the Scientific Council.

The first session of the Scientific Council at the Nencki Institute (term 2015-2018) took place on January 23th 2015. The session was opened by Prof. Adam Zięcik, the Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


In a secret vote, the Council elected Prof. Andrzej Wróbel as its Chairman, and Prof. Maria Jolanta Rędowicz and Prof. Anna Członkowska as its Vice-Chairpersons. The Council also elected Prof. Katarzyna Nałęcz as the Chairperson of the Committee for Doctoral Theses, Prof. Jerzy Łazarewicz as the Chairman of the Committee for Ethics in Science, Prof. Urszula Sławińska as the Chairperson of the Committee for Evaluation of Research Personnel and Prof. Leszek Kaczmarek as the Chairman of the Financial Committee. Dr hab. Katarzyna Łukasiuk was elected as the Council Secretary and Dr. Tomasz Prószyński and Ksenia Meyza as the Vice-Secretaries. The Disciplinary Ombudsman was elected Prof. Katarzyna Kwiatkowska.