15 National Science Centre Grants for the Nencki Institute
The National Science Centre has published ranking lists of projects which have qualified for financial backing within the limits of the competitions announced by the NSC on 15th September, 2016. Scientists from the Nencki Institute received financial backing for the 15 research projects they worked on in OPUS12, PRELUDIUM12, SONATA12 and POLONEZ3 competitions.
OPUS - Competition for research projects, which included financing the purchase or production of research equipment necessary for the implementation of these projects.
dr hab. Joanna Bandorowicz-Pikuła - Annexins as markers of vascular endothelium dysfunction in insulin resistance induced in vitro.
dr Mark Jeremy Hunt - The neural circuitry underlying the generation of high frequency oscillations (HFO) in olfactory brain regions in a rat model of schizophrenia.
PRELUDIUM - Competition for research projects carried out by people starting a career in science who do not hold a doctor’s degree.
mgr Piotr Dzwiniel - Exogenous modulation of visual information processing in detection, discrimination and adaptation processes in human nervous system.
mgr Magdalena Komiażyk-Mikulska - Characteristic of plant extracts inhibit the binding of Shiga toxin to Gb3 receptors.
mgr inż. Barbara Maria Sobiak - Epigentic regulation of EDC cluster gene expression in keratinocyte differentiation
mgr inż. Rafał Jan Bazan - CCDC96, novel ciliary protein - localization and role in cilia assembly and function.
mgr Magdalena Wołczyk - Role of FMRP protein in the regulation of BRCA1 translation in leukemia cells.
mgr Barbara Elżbieta Juraszek - Evaluation of SLC22A5 activity modulation in sensitizing glioma cells to the suppression of fatty acid oxidation by CPT1 inhibitors.
mgr Łukasz Bożycki - Fluorescent visualization of the process of mineralization in transparent organs.
mgr inż. Kamil Łukasz Grycz - The impact of locomotor training and electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve on organization of perineuronal nets surrounding alpha-motoneurons in rats with complete spinal cord transection.
mgr Magdalena Elżbieta Ziółkowska - Do projections from nucelus reuniens to dorsal CA1 area control fear memory extinction?
mgr Maria Nalberczak-Skóra - Does acamprosate regulate generation of silent synapses in mice drinking alcohol?
lek. Anna Wójcik-Gryciuk - Glaucoma neuroprotection with BDNF on the level of retinal and primary visual cortex.
SONATA - Competition for research projects carried out by people starting a career in science who hold a doctor’s degree.
dr inż. Anna Ciesielska - Role of retromer in a regulation of inflammatory responses of macrophages to lipopolysaccharide.
POLONEZ – Competition for incoming researchers who may apply for fellowships in host institutions in Poland
dr Jakub Karol Mieczkowski - Identification of epigenetic mechanisms contributing to glioma drug resistance.
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