The National Science Centre awards grants for the Nencki Institute
After publishing a ranked list of projects which have qualified for funding, based around competitions announced by the NSC on June 15th 2017, scientists from The Nencki Institute have received financial grants for 5 major research projects. The competitions were MAESTRO 9, HARMONIA 9, SONATA Bis 7 and SONATA 13.
MAESTRO – A competition for experienced scientists to carry out pioneering interdisciplinary research, important for the advancement of science beyond the current state of knowledge and capable of producing breakthrough scientific results
prof. dr hab. czł. rzecz. PAN Leszek Kaczmarek - MMP-9 in shaping of synaptic plasticity: An individual dendritic spine approach
HARMONIA – A competition for research projects, conducted within the framework of international cooperation with international non-co-funding.
dr hab. Piotr Koprowski - Membrane stretch regulation of mitochondrial potassium channels: role in fusion and fission?
SONATA Bis – A competition addressed to researchers with 2-12 years scientific experience gained after receiving their PhD.
dr hab. Jakub Włodarczyk - Small Changes - Huge Impact: The role of S-palmitoylation and S-nitrosylation interplay in the mice model of depression
SONATA – A competition for research projects carried out by people starting a career in science, that hold a doctor’s degree.
dr Piotr Marian Michaluk - Localization of Ca2+ signals involved in gliotransmitter release
dr inż. Anna Filip - Regulation of vascular smooth muscle cells differentiation and plasticity in physiology and inflammation-induced vascular dysfunction: role of stearoyl-CoA desaturase
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