TRI-BIO-CHEM-2016 Conference

On 5-6th May 2016 in Nasielsk in the vicinity of Warsaw a conference was held organized by the Faculty of Chemistry of Warsaw University of Technology and the Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, creating KNOW consortium in the field of chemical sciences, as well as the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Participants of TRI-BIO-CHEM-2016 listened to 25 presentations on biology and chemistry. The aim of the conference, defined by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry WUT Prof. Zbigniew Brzózka, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry WU prof. Paul Kulesza and director of the Nencki Institute prof. Adam Szewczyk, was to identify research topics that could be the basis for joint interdisciplinary research projects and educational activities. #tribiochem